Honred sr 224a
I have according to the Councell’s [Council’s] order clothed
fitted & furnished with apparel 2 indian boys
for yor messenger; And have sent them down
by my sonne Samuel Gookin who hath dispersed
the mony for their clothing [which] coming to –
fifty three shillings four pence [which] please to
order the treasurer to satisfy him: I have
no more to ad at present. But my due report
presented remaining-
My sonne will present a pticular acct of the disbursement-
please to order some pson
to receive them [torn] [and] keep
them safe [lest?] [torn: they?] [may]
Slipp away being possibly afraid
to go for England – But I pray
[God] [they] not bee put in prison for
now [they] are cleane [and] free from