Our Beloved Kin: Remapping A New History of King Philip's War

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Using this site alongside the book:

Following this path will enable you to view all the media associated with Our Beloved Kin: A New History of King Philip's War as you are reading the book. You can follow along, chapter by chapter, by clicking a link below, and then continuing with each chapter page. Click the box at the end of each page to navigate to the next "chapter."

On each chapter page, you will find links to Maps (the full color maps created for the chapter), Documents (images of original manuscripts and other documents associated with the chapter), and/or Connections (maps and documents in historical and geographical context, contemporary images of places and other related media).

At any point, you may return to this page by clicking the Navigate Alongside the Book title at the top of each chapter page. You may also find chapters by clicking Navigate Alongside the Book in the Table of Contents menu at the top left corner.

Wlipamkaani, travel well!


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